Research Fellow

Ericka Menchen-Trevino

Ericka Menchen-Trevino’s research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of political communication and digital media studies, with a focus on methodology. Over the course of her career, Ericka has worked as a research lab manager, an ethnographic research consultant, a grant writer, a technical writer, a web designer, and a technical support representative. Ericka is working to advance research methodology, particularly mixed methods approaches, in the digital era conceptually and by developing research software (Web Historian). Ericka applies these methods to study issues at the intersection of digital media studies and political communication, and particularly the ways citizens receive and process information about public life.


Ph.D. Northwestern University, program in Media, Technology & Society, School of Communication, 2012 M.A. University of Illinois at Chicago, Communication, 2006 B.S. Loyola University Chicago, Anthropology, 2001