Investing In Impact: Media Summits Reveal Pressing Needs, Tools for Evaluating Public Interest Media [2010]


Investing in Impact

Throughout the spring, the CSM and The Media Consortium (TMC) drew together dozens of leading public interest media makers, funders and researchers in Chicago, New York, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, DC, and Boston for a series of Impact Summits. These convenings—which asked attendees to describe how they measure reach, relevance, engagement, inclusion and influence in their work—informed a new analysis co-published by CSM and TMC: Investing In Impact: Media Summits Reveal Pressing Needs, Tools for Evaluating Public Interest Media.

In Investing in Impact, we outline the major arguments for impact assessment, synthesize the five top impact evaluation needs, and propose five new tools that would help public interest media makers to track their work. See the attached PDF to learn more.

Jessica Clark, Research Director, Center for Social Media

Tracy Van Slyke, Project Director, The Media Consortium