In a documentary series, jointly produced by AU School of Communication & Tec de Monterrey film students, a cross-cultural group of film students from both schools traveled to the remote mountains of Mexico and captured the story of the dwindling population of the Monarch Butterfly, in its epic 3,000 mile journey north.
In this series of poignant short documentaries, the international film teams tell the interwoven stories of the iconic orange-and-black butterflies, the indigenous Mexican Indians who struggle to preserve their environment and the school children on both sides of the border whose shared commitment supports the monarchs along their annual migratory route. The compelling film vignettes reveal the monarch’s essential role in connecting us to the environment, provide cross-cultural perspectives on efforts to protect the threatened species, and bridge time-traditions with today’s realities and future sustainability.
Tuesday, April 28, 7:00 pm at the Mexican Cultural Institute, 2829 16th St NW, Washington, DC.