Documentary Roundtable: Making a living in a fair-use-friendly world

Studio A at Interface Media Group, 1233 20th Street, NW, Washington, DC

December 8, 2014 6:30pm

Join WIFV, The Documentary Center, CMSI and Partners for a Documentary Roundtable on the latest news in fair use.

Fair use, the use of unlicensed material in documentary, has become a routine feature of documentary production; broadcasters and insurers are now accepting it as a matter of course. But documentarians now have new questions. When a broadcaster uses my doc to explain their news story, can they do that without paying me? When a media company tells me I have to get clearances for everything, how do I tell them the current realities? Just how risky is fair use these days? And who’s got my back if I get a cease and desist letter?

Patricia Aufderheide will share the latest research from the Center for Media & Social Impact, the results of a 500-filmmaker survey that shows a dramatic shift in industry practice, and discuss how knowing the limits of fair use can make it easier to collect a license when it’s your due.wifv35annilogov3whitegray

Check-in at 6:30 pm

Presentation at 7:00 pm.

Presented by WIFV

Co-hosted by The Documentary Center at The George Washington University

Sponsored by the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development, Interface Media Group, The GemStar Foundation, The Actor’s Center, InkTip, Writer’s Store, Script Magazine